Saturday, July 23, 2016

Deep Waters

When you go through deep waters,
I will be with you.
When you go through rivers of difficulty,
you will not drown.
When you walk through the fire of oppression,
you will not be burned up;
the flames will not consume you.
~ Isaiah 43:2

It has been a tough, tough time lately.

Personal health issues and injuries, a child having serious health issues, facing difficult life decisions, and I've had it renewed afresh how humans WILL let you down.  I've had pleas for intercessory prayer for my child go ignored and then brushed off by my spiritual leader, experienced silence and abject shunning from people I trusted, a deep and surprising betrayal from a family member.  My husband has been maligned and gossiped about for stepping into the gap to intercede for another who was being mistreated and misrepresented.  I have felt moments where I knew I had absolutely nothing left within me to deal with the storms overtaking my life.

The Good News?  Every single disappointment, rejection, and illness has been met by God supplying Every. Single. Need. (Not every want or desire, of course--but Every. Single. Need.) Support from kindred spirit friends who love me and have my back while at the same time being wise enough to reflect back to me what I need to hear and think about.  New friends who stepped out of seemingly nowhere with a kind word, or a phrase that I KNOW came straight from heaven.  Providential incidents confirming with heavenly clarity which path I should take.  Moment after moment when I needed courage or encouragement that a kind action or phone call came exactly when needed.  Reminders that true Christians are out there--willing to be Jesus with skin on for me and reminding me that condemnation and rejection are things NOT from His kingdom.  He is love and wisdom and encouragement and connection.

People WILL let you down.  God never will.  And He will help you, as He helps me keep from seeking vengeance and reacting in ways that will harm me or those I love.  And He will renew your strength and courage to continue to follow Him and intercede for others.  He will rescue you, and He will honor you.

He is good.

The LORD says, 
"I will rescue those who love me. 
I will protect those who trust in my name.
When they call on me, I will answer; 
I will be with them in trouble. 
I will rescue and honor them."
~ Psalm 91:14-15